Greypaw adds the laughter to what is, when you really think about it, a rather gritty story. Rusty forms a firm friendship with an apprentice (warrior in training, more than six months old) called Greypaw, a longhaired solid grey tom. Into the Wild did occasionally remind me of the Harry Potter books, both in writing style and content. The book contains an excellent list of characters and maps that make it easy to get up to speed with the world in which the cats live. Into the Wild is a pleasant, easy read containing a strong central character ably surrounded by strong elder figures and good friends. Enter Rusty, a domestic house cat who may turn out to be the greatest warrior of them all. The four Clans have shared the forest for generations but ThunderClan’s territory is in danger as the sinister and mysterious ShadowClan grows stronger each day. Warriors series( Warriors 2,3,4,5,6/ Warriors: The New Prophesy 1,2,3,4,5,6/ Warriors: The Power of Three 1,2,3,4,5,6/ Warriors: The Omen of The Stars 1,2,3,4,5,6/ Warriors: A Vision of Shadows 1,2,3,4,5,6), Survivors series, Seekers series, Bravelands series, etc.Into the Wild is the first book in the popular Warrior Cars series. Other Books Related to Warriors: Into the Wild If you want to leave your opinion or review, please leave it as comments! “If you read it in the wrong order, it can be confusing, but I love the cool style of the book it’s like from a cat point of view, and the words are so cat-like!” – Ishira Limaye(6) “Though it can be confusing since it has LOTS of names, I personally like it because it’s brilliant fantasy with a alive animal point of view.” – Talia Philip(6) “I like that it has many real cat point of views, and that while it has funny parts, it has violent parts too.” – Simryn Jacob (7) I would really want you to read this if you didn’t read it before. After reading this book I became to love cats. And Into the Wild is the gateway into that world. It’s just fantastic of looking into a wild cat world with cats with loyalty and great courage, just like humans.

During all this, there’s also relationship friendship, respect, and love. The author ties up those disasters with the plots in a knot and that events creates this suspense as the story starts to reveal it’s self more and more. You can see it clearly how those thing affect the wild life. Even the words used for is related to cats, making everything so alive! And then, the adventures are all so amazing! Things that can happen to the wild like drought, flood, pollution, etc.

First, you’ll be surprised by how the author wrote the ways of the cats the way they talk, move, hunt, fight. Will Firepaw be able to uncover the truth to the clan, or get lost between the dangerous paths and plots? Firepaw needs to choose between right or wrong, and facing danger or keeping silence. While he works hard to earn trust from the other cats, he suddenly discovers a horrible truth of a suspicious senior warrior, plotting against Thunder Clan. But joining the clan is not easy he gets bullied, ignored, and hated by cats with a reason that he was a kittypet. One day, after meeting clan cats in the woods, he decides to join the clan and Thunder Clan gives him a new name “Firepaw”. Here’s the summary of the book(series) Rusty is a house cat in the clan’s words, a kittypet. Into The Wild is the first book of the Warriors series.

It contains whole new world of…cats! Meet Rusty, a house cat who suddenly becomes a wild cat of the clans and fights throughout the adventure, battle, loyalty, trust, and love.
#Warriors into the wild book review series
Warriors series is a bestselling book series by Erin Hunter.