The Ping G10 was not my club, pushed most shots to the right and the feedback was a bit dead.

The Callaway X-20 felt good, slightly heavier than my Cobra but ball flight and distance were good. Definite no-go's were the Wilson Ci7 (no feeling, balls all over the place). Later I could compare my feel with the results. The only cadidate not available for testing was Taylormade, but they are pricy so not really on my wish list.Īfter warming up with my own 6-iron I hit several balls on the launch monitor with each club. As time brings new developments I thought it was a good idea to have a look into the new irons, so I went for a fitting session to try out a bunch of newbies and compare with my own 3100's. I own a set of Cobra's 3100 I/H I bought as a shop's demo-set when I started playing seriously two years ago.

I am finally back in my happy place and these will stay in my bag for a while!!!!! The combination of the Nippon Steel shafts and this head gave me a penetrating ball flight, not too high and not too low. That weekend I played a round and was striking the ball like old times. I hit them on their monitor and decided to pull the trigger and get them.

I stopped by a local Dicks Sporting goods and they had the FP's on sale for $299. I had trouble getting the ball in the air, so went from stiff steel shafts to still graphite shafts, then to regular graphite shafts and then back to regular steel shafts. I will not say these clubs fixed my swing, because no club can do that. I knew my swing was out of whack, but could not figure out why.
Release date for cobra amp cell driver pro#
I have purchased (not in actual order) Taylormade r7, r7 Draw,Callaway X-20, X-20 Pro Series, X-16 Pro Series and yes even Ping G5's. It didn’t seem to matter what the turf conditions were, I could get these out of the rough just as easy as hitting off the fairway.I will start by saying over the last 12 months I have gone through 6 sets of irons (No, I am not kidding). After just a little distance adjustment, I dialed these in and hit high, straight shots round after round. The short irons hit it high, drop it soft, and get the ball close to the pin. The mid-irons offered great length too, but I found good control with the distance and accuracy. The long irons are easy to elevate and just go and go. Depending on the set of irons the golfer previously played, I’m guessing many golfers are going to see longer distances with the Cobra AMP Cell irons. While I hope this trend doesn’t get too out of hand, sometimes our ego likes to hit irons a little further, even though we know iron play about precision, not distance. I think I picked up a good 5 yards per club with these irons. Many golfers in this category are probably really going to like these irons. While I was playing, a mid-handicapper asked to give them a try and he immediately picked up 10 -15+ yards per iron. A combination of the head design with the weight low in the cavity along with True Temper Dynalight 90 shafts add distance without sacrificing trajectory. Although the lofts are stronger the trajectory is still plenty high. The lofts are a little stronger on these than some other irons, but that kind of is standard in today’s distance driven market. I can’t imagine needing a 3-iron because the 4-iron is plenty long. The Cobra AMP Cells come standard in 4-GW.